Bible Stories

for Kids 

A lot of people learn bible stories for kids and see them for what they are. These are stories that might seem a bit supernatural, but they contain lessons within them about life, coexistence, and faith in God. Learning them seems a bit arbitrary, but the truth about these kinds of stories is that they are just an entertaining and captivating way of teaching the lessons to society that we want to be taught. You are going to understand more about life by hearing these stories. They also create a great common thread amongst us all.

Here are a few stories from the Bible that you might learn and what they are all about.


the Birth of Jesus

The manger, the three wise men, Joseph, the Virgin Mary. You know all of the cast of characters and this is one of the most classic stories of Christianity. You are sure to hear this story every year, especially around Christmas time. Do you know what myrrh and frankincense are? I sure do not. Those are some of the parts of the story you might want to ask about.

Noah's ark

This is a bit of a strange story because it involves God basically deciding to wipe out everyone on the planet and start over from scratch. We hear the story of Adam and Eve (more later) and think that we might be descendants.I guess we technically still are, but Noah and his wife might be the other version. I remember in this story the big confusion points are cubits, which are the unit of measure for the ark, and the idea that you could find, house, and maintain two of every animal. I guess you just need a little bit of faith.


Adam and eve

This is the story about how it all began.

Adam was there in the Garden of Eden, God took his rib to form Eve, the first woman. Everything was going great, but they had one rule to stay away from the tree that had magical apples of knowledge. Of course, they are tempted to the apples and a snake convinces them to bite.

God kicks them out of Eden and now we are stuck with this crap life. Just kidding, but this is the original sin that you will hear all about. This was what started it all for humans.

Jonah and the whale

This is a story that I have not revisited in a while and now that I do, it reminds me of many of the hit-man stories of today. The hit-man is always a grizzled veteran, sick of having to kill for money. They just wish for a simple life where they do not have to kill anymore. But the game will not let them live in peace. It keeps dragging them back.

God wants Jonah to go preach to the enemy, but Jonah runs. God sends storms to attack the ship Jonah is on, so they toss him overboard. God can’t let Jonah die, so he locks him up in the belly of a whale to think about what he has done. He repents and gets spit out right where he needs to go preach. Can’t quit the game.


Story of Job

This is not job, like what you do for a living, but Job, like Gob Bluth from Arrested Development. This is about devotion to God and faith. Job is just a dude that believe in God, but his faith is tested to the max. Everything is taken from him, to the point that he should lose faith, but he does not. It makes it sweeter when he is rewarded.

Learning bible stories for kids is a great way to teach morals and ideals to young students in a way that is more engaging than simple lectures or lessons. When you are able to tell things in a story, it is much easier to see how morality is applied in life. You also learn about devotion to faith and spirituality.

Some of the stories you might hear include the story of Christ’s birth, the story of Noah’s ark, the story of creation and Adam and Eve, the story of Jonah and the whale, or the story of Job. These are just a few examples, but the Bible is full of engaging stories about faith through history. Some are a little fantastical, but they all have a message.

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